Manufacturer & Dealer of Electrical & Electronics Equipment. Contact : +91 96772 52848

Polytechnic College – ECE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers – Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – IE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – ECE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – EEE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – IE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electronics and Communication Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Industrial Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electronics and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electronics and Communication Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Industrial Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electronics and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electrical and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

ITI – Electrical Trade – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

ITI – Electronics Trade – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Science College - Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Arts and Science College - Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Science College - Physics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Arts and Science College - Physics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Circuits and Devices lab equipment - Manufacturer - Supplier - Contact: 9677252848; 9444001354; JAYAM Electronics

Circuits and Devices lab equipment - Manufacturer - Supplier - Contact: 9677252848; 9444001354; JAYAM Electronics
DC Regulated Variable Power Supply 0-30V/2A
Function Generator - 1MHz - 2MHz - 3MHz - 10MHz
CRO Dual Channel 30MHz
BC 107
BC 148
Diode IN 4007
Zener diode
Resistors 1/4 Watt Assorted
Inductors: 10µH, 100µH, 1MHz, 10MHz
Bread Boards
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Devices lab equipment supplier
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